Host A FREE Minecraft Server!
We've just launched a brand new feature to host Minecraft server fully FREE! Servers are hosted immediately in your Laptop and gamers join by way of our proxies so you do not have to port ahead nor and keeps your IP address secure.
1. Click on servers on the left sidebar and click on on the add icon
2. Enter any title, choose a template / model and customize your hostname. Minecraft That is the hostname that you will give your folks
3. Click create server and accept Minecraft's EULA
4. Click on start server and have fun!
5. Give your pals your hostname to connect to. On your own Computer, you can connect with "localhost" for lower latency.
1. Is the server on 24/7? The server will keep online as long as your Pc is on-line.
2. How can I add a custom server? Open the folder listing through the dropdown and drag in a "server.jar" in to the folder.